Why Is One Earbud Louder Than The Other? [9 Ways To Fix]
Have you ever been listening to music on your smartphone and realized halfway through your jam session that one of your earbuds was louder than the other? This can ruin your music- or podcast-listening experience, and it will get you wondering -- why is one earbud louder than the other?
Whatever the reason, if you follow a few suggestions in this guide, you can fix the issue.
More often than not, the culprit is a volume imbalance between the left and right ear, which can be very frustrating. You can attribute this to a hardware defect in the earbuds or something as simple as a software problem.
As a longtime sound enthusiast, I'll share my expert tips on how to solve problems like these. In this article, you can find some of the easiest, most tried, and tested sol...